GBSA is a supplier to OEM agricultural machinery manufacturers.
As the technical requirements of agricultural equipment manufacturers have increased, GBSA products have adapted right alongside them. We understand that as harvesters, seeders, combines, tractors, etc. become more advanced, more accurate, more durable and more productive that the seals, caps, counter faces and guards within the equipment must follow suite.
Our products are designed to improve the reliability of equipment by ensuring reliability of the hydraulic systems. Among a number of benefits, our products are designed to:
- Decrease fluid leakage and external contamination
- Withstand fatigue from long operating cycles
- Withstand harsh environments
Why Partner with GBSA for your Agricultural Production Needs?
Our team has years of experience providing solutions designed to enhance the performance of agricultural equipment hydraulic systems.
We also understand the needs of farmers – we’ve discussed their challenges and concerns and worked closely with OEMs to develop solutions to those challenges and to help farmers meet the growing demands of an ever-changing industry.

Agricultural Applications Using GBSA Products
- Bailers
- Combines
- Crop sprayers
- Cultivators
- Disc harrows
- Disc mowers
- Drills
- Excavators
- Fertilizer spreaders
- Planters
- Seeding planters
- Tractors
Recommended Products
Keep your equipment rolling longer, and avoid premature failure or costly downtime with these products.
- Bearing Housings
- Castings
- Custom Stampings
- Custom Rubber Molded Parts
- Dust Caps
- Grass Wrap Guards
- Metal Counter Faces
- Metal Retainers
- Midrollers
- Oil Seals
- Polyurethane Guage Wheel Tires
- Special Design Seals
- Tortion Isolators (Vibration Dampeners)
Featured Products
Polyurethane Guage Wheel Tires [ For Drills and Planters ]
Tired of stocks and stubble wearing down and puncturing your gauge wheel tires? GBSA’s new polyurethane tires will keep you running three times as long.
Features compared to traditional rubber narrow gauge wheel:
- Easy installation with split rims; no press required
- Higher tensile strength
- Nearly twice as tear resistant
- Nearly twice as abrasion resistant
Benefits compared to traditional rubber narrow gauge wheel:
- Reduced maintenance expenses
- Reduced downtime
- Longer work life
- Warranties apply
AgriTraxx Midrollers
GBSA midrollers were originally developed alongside tractor designers to minimize damage and tearing on rubber tracks and guide blocks.
- Resists heat and shear force to prevent debonding
- High cut and tear resistant
- Oil, UV, weak acid, diesel fuel and moisture resistant
- Runs between 35-45% cooler than OE rubber
- Reduced maintenance expenses
- Reduced downtime
- Longer work life
- No bond failure guarantee